How would you like me to virtually take you by the hand and share with you
the hidden secrets of healthy living
So You Can Live A Vibrant And Healthy Life?
You can now have, at your fingertips, cutting edge information about nutrition, food, and exercise so you can become a better version of yourself! (most pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know these insider information)
If I Knew This Stuff, I Would Most probably be in the Olympic team now… but my ignorance shattered my dream at a young age…
It really did.

It completely shattered my dream and broke my heart. 

I was a little 16-year old girl in high school with a dream of running in the Olympics.

However, one day, something devastating happened.

My dream to run, started to disappear day by day.

*That was me running at a competition.
Out of nowhere, I started having these episodes where my heart would start pounding through my chest and I couldn't get my heart rate down.
I Eventually Started To Vomit Every Day For Over A Year And A Half Straight Due To An Over Pounding And Irregular Heartbeat
It eventually got so bad that I had to turn down all my full-ride scholarships to college.

As I looked down at the pile of scholarships, tears ran down my face because of the pain of feeling like a failure and what I hope to be a clear future for me.

My dream, as a 16-year old high school student, to run in the Olympics completely vanished due to my lousy nutrition habits.
Imagine Not Being Able To Accomplish Your Dream Because Of Your Poor Eating Behaviors?
And if you ONLY knew how to adopt a healthier lifestyle it could save your dream, and possibly your life.

Well, not for me. 

I was the victim that didn’t know more than eating all kinds of fast foods.

It was disgusting. 

I was eating whatever I wanted when I wanted it (mainly chips, fast foods and fried food lol).
There Are So Many Advertisements That Persuade People To Eat Unhealthy Food That I Can't Really Blame Myself!
I’m sure you can relate as well.

I mean… really… 

How can we develop healthy habits when we don’t know anything about it and...

... when all we see on TV are advertisements of hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chickens and all kinds of unhealthy foods?

And when it’s like $1 for 5 hot dogs and 2 hamburgers with french fries, who could resist, right? 

(I’m exaggerating a bit, but y’all get the idea).
Marketing Got Me Fooled Sisters!!!
However, I didn’t want that to control the outcome of my future.

I wanted to become an excellent example for my kids and become the best version of myself; emotionally, physically and mentally.

So, I created a schedule to make sure I was working out and disciplined myself to start to learn about nutrition and health.
I Began Studying Herbs, Vitamins, And Foods That Helped To Produce A Healthier Lifestyle.
The results? People started to notice the difference in my body, and they were impressed with my results.
I got physically fitter, fitter than I was while younger.
(Yupp, that’s me! Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming lol.)
I was able to accomplish more work in my day towards my goals and career...
...Because of my new healthy lifestyle
I helped thousands of women lose weight and feel great about themselves!
(I get messages like these on my Facebook page almost every day).
I even gave a talk at TEDx.

And I’m proud to say that I’m a great leading example for my kids!

Now, I’m not saying this to brag… not at all… 

I'm saying this because I want to prove to you that’s it’s possible to turn your life around and become healthy so you can achieve things that you never thought possible (like I did).

I’m living proof that dreams can turn into reality.

Maybe your goal is not to give a TEDx speech…

... maybe it's just to:

Designed by zlatko_plamenov / Freepik
*My talk at TEDx WillowCreek.
  • ​Get in better shape so you can look better in your clothes.
  • ​Lose a couple pounds so you increase your self-esteem and become attractive to others.
  • ​Get toned and fit so you can impress your friends and family.
  • ​Sharpen your mental focus so you can improve your productivity at work, or in your business.
  • ​Boost your energy so you can do activities you love.
  • ​Become a great example for your kids so you can feel accomplished.
I even gave a talk at TEDx.
Designed by zlatko_plamenov / Freepik
*My talk at TEDx WillowCreek.
And I’m proud to say that I’m a great leading example for my kids!
Now, I’m not saying this to brag… not at all… 

I'm saying this because I want to prove to you that’s it’s possible to turn your life around and become healthy so you can achieve things that you never thought possible (like I did).

I’m living proof that dreams can turn into reality.

Maybe your goal is not to give a TEDx speech…

... maybe it's just to:

  • ​Get in better shape so you can look better in your clothes.
  • ​Lose a couple pounds so you increase your self-esteem and be attracted to others.
  • ​Get toned and fit so you can impress your friends and family.
  • ​Sharpen your mental focus so you can improve your productivity at work, or in your business.
  • ​Boost your energy so you can do activities you love.
  • ​Become a great example for your kids so you can feel accomplished.
Well, it’s possible. Look, I understand...
… It Can Be Very Challenging To Start This On Your Own.
You get overwhelmed. 

You don't know where to start your research.  You don’t know what foods to eat. You don’t know what diet to start (there are so many that you get lost). 

You have no clue what to do at the gym. You might be working full-time, and you might have kids which takes a lot of your time and energy.

Heck, you might not even know what recipes to cook to become healthy.
I Hear You. I've Been There Too, Trust Me!
And for these specific reasons, I decided to create something that will give you the shortcuts to get healthy way much faster and easier.

You won’t have to spend years and years doing research, studying foods, doing tests on your body, or spending money on learning what works and what doesn’t.

Here's why: I’m giving (literally) 30 years of my knowledge on a silver platter so you can save time and money, and become the best version of yourself — both physically and mentally.
And If You Allow Me, Let Me Introduce You To…
health Nutz School
Here’s what it’s all about: It’s a membership where you’ll have access to new recipes, workouts videos, Q&A live sessions, private webinars, and more — every single month.
Monthly New Recipes
Workouts Videos
Q&A Live Sessions
Private Webinars
And Much More...
It’s like having me beside you, every day, helping you become healthier; but instead of being there physically, you can get access to me (virtually whenever you want) online!

You could literally pick up your phone at your job’s break and watch a quick video.

Or, when you come back home, after your job, you can open your computer, watch a couple of videos and implement exactly what I teach.
Run out of ideas of what to cook? 

Log in to your membership area, and copy one of my recipes. 

Done! That simple.
No more guessing, no more trial and errors.
Just do whatever I say, and you’ll be on your way to becoming way healthier!

Listen: this ain’t like your regular membership.
This Is Bigger Than Your Regular Membership With Videos, Webinars And Ebooks.
This is a lifestyle. This is a movement that WE are starting NOW!

This is a safe place where you can be yourself, get inspired and be inspiring to others! Y'all feel me?
*Your inner voice*: “YASSSS girl!!!”
And Why I Decided To Create It?
Well, remember that little high-school 16-year old girl with a dream of running at the Olympics that vanished, because of her health?
Yes, that girl...

I don’t want you to be like her.

I want you to be better than her.

I want you to be an example for your kids, your friends, and your family.

I want you to spread awareness about healthy living.

I want you to be the best version of yourself because I KNOW you can!!
I want us to start together, a community where we help each other to accomplish our health goals and dreams.

I want you to STOP giving control over to the greedy drug companies and diet infomercial people that don’t care about your health (they only care about their already-overstuffed pockets).

You are better than this!
And If You’ve Been Asking Yourself:
“Why Should I Become Part Of This Exclusive Inner Circle Of Beautiful And Strong Women?”...
Well, let me share what it's gonna do for you:
  • Stop wasting your time and money on "miracle" programs that don’t work. (You’ll only get the information you need that gives you real results that last for a lifetime!)
  • ​It’ll help you prevent diseases so you can get to spend more time with your loved ones.
  • ​Increase your self-esteem to the stratosphere, feel attracted by others and look sexier in your clothes. (People will be astonished and even a bit jealous of your new attractive look.)
  • ​Wake up refreshed and full of energy ready to tackle your day with a positive attitude!
  • Be part of a movement and of an amazing community of like-minded women so you can share your jaw-dropping transformation, ask questions, inspire others and get inspired! (You can call this your new home. It’s a safe place where your dreams can turn into reality!)
  • Save money on medical bills and disgusting medical pills. (Once you learn how to adopt healthier habits, you can kiss-goodbye to long-boring hours at the Doctor’s office!)
Here's What's Inside HEALTH NUTZ SCHOOL!
#1: Monthly New At Home & Gym Workout Plans
(Value: $97 / month)
  • ​Monthly new workout plans so you never have to feel anxious about what to do in the gym or at home.
  • (It’s as simple as pulling out your phone and following the workout even from home. Yup, that easy!)  
#2: Monthly New Delicious Recipes
(Value: $97 / month)
  • ​​Monthly new delicious and easy-to-do step-by-step recipes. (Forget about those meals that don’t taste good. You’ll only eat mouth-watering meals that are simple to do. You can finally have fun and enjoy your food while getting slimmer and healthier!)
#3: Monthly Grocery Shopping Lists
(Value: $97 / month)
  • ​​On a budget? You’ll get monthly grocery lists that don’t break the bank. (An exact checklist to fulfill your meal plans.)
#4: Monthly Tutorial Workout Videos
(Value: $127 / month)
  • ​​Short tutorial workout videos. (Perfect if you don’t know how to do the exercise. It’s as if you have me as your personal trainer!)
#4: New Monthly Educational Videos
(Value: $67 / month)
  • ​​Educational video on the theme of the month. (EX: If there’s a month about the Ketogenic diet, you’ll get a video about the subject.)
#5: Monthly Live Q&A Sessions
(Value: $97 / month)
  • ​​Get the support you need from our monthly live Q&A sessions so you are never left out by yourself trying to figure out things on your own.
#6: Private Exclusive Facebook Group 
(Value: $97 / month)
  • ​​Access to our private exclusive Facebook Group Community! (Perfect for peer accountability. Don’t be shy to share your transformation. That’s why we are here. To uplift and inspire each other!)
Here's What You Get When You Join Health Nutz School Today:
  • Monthly New Workout Plans So You Never Have to Think About What to Do In The Gym Again ($97/mo Value).
  • Monthly New Delicious and Easy-to-Do Step-by-Step Recipes ($97/mo Value).
  • Monthly New Grocery Lists That Don’t Break The Bank ($97/mo Value).
  • Educational Video The Month's Subject Theme; It Could Be On The Ketogenic Diet, Intermittent Fasting, etc ($67/mo Value).
  • Monthly Live Q&A Sessions So You Are Never Left Out by Yourself Trying to Figure Out Things On Your Own ($97/mo Value)
  •  Access to Our Private Exclusive Facebook Group Community ($97/mo Value)
Total Value: $552/mo
Join Today, Get Your First 7 Days Absolutely
After 7 days, it's just $27/mo! ($0.89/day)
* It's important that you know the enormous value you'll get in Health Nutz School. These numbers are not inflated — they're an honest, good faith estimate since you cannot purchase components of Health Nutz School separately.
And If You Join HEALTH NUTZ SCHOOL Today...
You Get These Exclusive FREE Bonuses:
“How Is It Different From Other Programs?”, You May Ask.
Well, let me ask you this quick question…
  • ​Have You Ever Tried A Program Where You Lost Weight Just To Gain It All Back Again?
  • ​Have You Tried "Miracle" Fancy Diets Where You Have To Cut All Your Carbs And Only Eat Proteins?
  • ​What About Those Juice Diets That Have An Awful Taste?
  • What Happened After It Ended?
  • Did You Get Your Weight Back?
  • Did You Get Back To Square One?
I bet you did…

And most programs out there are “challenges” for 7, 14, 30, or even 60 days.

Once you're done, what you do next is crucial to help you keep the results.

Unfortunately, you don’t get ongoing support with these type of “challenges”.
However, inside Health Nutz School, you’ll get new content every month so you can build new healthy habits.
And as you repeat your new habits, you'll start doing them automatically without even thinking about it.

And that's how you create a NEW lifestyle and results that will last you for a lifetime!
You’ll Also Be Part Of A Community That Cares About Your Success And Transformation.
It’s like having me, with you, virtually all the time.

So no matter where you are right now…

...whether you’re just starting and have 100 lbs to lose

...or you're trying to get rid of that last bit of belly fat 

...or anywhere in between

...The Health Nutz School is the New System you need to go from where you are now to where you want to be physically, mentally and emotionally!
So Lemme Ask You A Quick Question.
How Much Is It Worth To You…
If you could save the life of a loved one by sharing the information you learn every month?

How much is it worth to you to increase your energy level so you can spend more time with your loved ones? Time that you can’t get back, but that you can now enjoy because you finally have the energy to do it.

How much is it worth to you to have enough confidence to go out on a date with the man you like because you have a strong, fit and healthy body? (only if you're single lol.)

How much is it worth to you to NEVER feel like you have to “deprive” yourself or “diet” again?
I mean for literally less than a freakin’ McDo's Cup of Coffee a day…
… all of the above could become a reality.

And by having the proper education you could…
Save Money On Useless Expensive Pills and Medical Bills.
(money that you could use to go on vacation, start a new business, buy a new car, or even buy a new home)
Yup, you heard me right.

Did you know that 3.4 trillion dollars a year are spent on healthcare?

The average person spends over $10,000 a year which will continue to increase yearly.
Imagine what you could do with that $10,000?
This is not to mention the expensive cost that’s paid to the loss of our loved ones due to things that could possibly be prevented by lifestyle adjustments. 

Most people would pay any price to make sure we don’t lose our relationships with people we love; yet, we don’t identify ahead of time the necessity to sacrifice so that preventative measures can be taken.
And it all starts with you.
With you making the smart decision to get healthier today, right now for less than $0.89/day.
And Here’s The Crazy Part.
You Can Start For FREE Today — And There’s No Catch At All!
I know for a fact that if you follow everything inside Health Nutz School you will feel a lot better, you will have more energy, you will look sexier in your clothes, you will burn your unwanted body fat and you’ll finally maintain your results for a lifetime.

However, if for some reason, or no reason at all, you are NOT convinced that it will help you get in better health, just email support at and we’ll take care of your cancellation.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! (You can literally start for free today).

Test it for the next 7-days, free, and if you don’t like what’s inside the membership (which I highly doubt), email support and we’ll cancel your subscription. No catch. No strings attached. No long-term commitment.
“Why am I letting you try it for FREE?”
Good question. Well, there a few reasons...
  • ​It’s my way of proving that you’re gonna love it :)
  • ​I want you to be the judge of it for 7 days and make a decision based on your wonderful experience.
  • ​If I get you to try it for free and you see how awesome it is, hopefully, you'll stay a member and keep using it for a long time!
Are these good enough reasons for you to test it out for FREE?
I mean you have absolutely nothing to lose but everything to gain!
And If You’re Wondering: 
“Will This Work For Me?”...
Well, Don’t Take My Word For It. Look At What People On Facebook Are Saying About My Content And Programs:
Here's What You Get When You Join Health Nutz School Today:
  • Monthly New Workout Plans So You Never Have to Think About What to Do In The Gym Again ($97/mo Value).
  • Monthly New Delicious and Easy-to-Do Step-by-Step Recipes ($97/mo Value).
  • Monthly New Grocery Lists That Don’t Break The Bank ($97/mo Value).
  • Educational Video The Month's Subject Theme; It Could Be On The Ketogenic Diet, Intermittent Fasting, etc ($67/mo Value).
  • Monthly Live Q&A Sessions So You Are Never Left Out by Yourself Trying to Figure Out Things On Your Own ($97/mo Value).
  •  Access to Our Private Exclusive Facebook Group Community ($97/mo Value).
PLUS These FREE Bonuses:
  • BONUS #1: The Medicine Of Meditation And How It Can Help To Heal Your Physical Body ($17 Value).
  • BONUS #2: Top 10 Health Practices That The Oldest People In The World Do To Restore Their Vitality And Boost Their Energy Level ($17 Value).
  • BONUS #3: How Your Sleeping Patterns Could Be Making You iLL and What To Do To Improve The Situation Without Medication ($17 Value).
Total Value: $552/mo
Join Today, Get Your First 7 Days Absolutely
After 7 days, it's just $27/mo! ($0.89/day)
* It's important that you know the enormous value you'll get in Health Nutz School. These numbers are not inflated — they're an honest, good faith estimate since you cannot purchase components of Health Nutz School separately.
This Truly Is A Limited Time Offer, So Start Your 7-Day FREE Trial Now While The Option Is Still Available!
Thanks for taking the time to read this page and I look forward to your amazing transformation!
- Kamilah Stevenson
Kamilah Stevenson

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the page, here's the deal:

I used to eat all kinds of fast food when I was younger. Due to my bad nutrition habits, I couldn’t pursue my dream of running at the Olympics.

I don’t want you to live the same horrible experience I did. (I want you to be better than me and I want to help you live your life to its full potential by being healthy!)

So I decided to put in one platform everything I know about nutrition and health so you can get outrageous results that will last you for a lifetime!

I'm giving you a 7-Day FREE Trial to Start Health Nutz School.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... you get to try it out for free, and after that, it's only $27 a month to be a member (only $0.89/day).

So, Click the button below to start Your New Lifestyle For FREE now!

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Please Note: The author of this site is not engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained within this work are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. The author shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions within this website. You, as a reader of this website, are totally and completely responsible for your own health and healthcare.

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What will happen after the 7-day free trial?
You will get charged the monthly or yearly fee you selected from this page. Then, every month, your credit card will be charged until you cancel.
What will happen after the 7-day free trial?
You will get charged the monthly or yearly fee you selected from this page. Then, every month, your credit card will be charged until you cancel.
What will happen after the 7-day free trial?
You will get charged the monthly or yearly fee you selected from this page. Then, every month, your credit card will be charged until you cancel.
What will happen after the 7-day free trial?
You will get charged the monthly or yearly fee you selected from this page. Then, every month, your credit card will be charged until you cancel.
What will happen after the 7-day free trial?
You will get charged the monthly or yearly fee you selected from this page. Then, every month, your credit card will be charged until you cancel.